I'm becoming addicted to dominos, not the pizza company, the game. There is a link on my blog to http://www.pogo.com/ and it has loads of free games, which include poker, backgammon, chess, checkers, blackjack, solitare, word whomp and loads of other games, often including a chatroom with the game.
A lot of these you play against another player, online, and earn a rating depending on winning and losing, and I have a very competitive streak, and hate losing.
The dominos game on pogo involves making the end numbers add up to a multiple of 5 (coincidence i call myself No.5) and if you get rid of all your dominos you get the number of dots from your opponents dominos added to your score, first one to 100.
8 months ago
1 comment:
I play at pogo under the name davepints.
add me to your friends list and I'll come give you a game of dominoes.
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