Saturday 9 June 2007

Cattle Market (Arc) Development

I work close by the cattle market development, and took these pictures today. To begin with I was against the shopping centre being built, along with the other buildings plannned. But when you think about other buildings in Bury St.Edmunds that have caused a lot of controversy over their planned construction, e.g. Cornhill Walk, Bus Station and the Cinema. I think you have to take a step back and say "look how they work" and they are all well used.
Not everyone would agree the style and design is in keeping with the area, you only have to contrast Moyes's hall with the Cornhill Walk right behind it, and the hundreds of years between their building.
My fear now is of the possible degeneration of the old shopping area of the town, but hopefully an expanding town will be able to grow and accommodate all tastes. After all, in Cambridge, the Grafton Centre area and the town centre still thrives.

I must add, I do feel sorry for the residence of Nelson road that back on to the stacked up porta-cabins you can see in the top pic in this post, above the Lacy Scott & Knight auction centre. And I don't see why the trees across the top of Nelson road had to be cut down.

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