Last week I was booking a holiday on the internet and got to the point of paying for it and needed my credit card. I got my wallet, took the required card out, started entering the details on the website, and realised it was the old one, and I'd cut the new one up.
I knew it was in the last bin bag I had put into the wheelie bin, so I went to retrieve it, and pieced it back together like a jigsaw, so I could get the expiry date and 3 digit number on the signature strip. Now, I had cut the card into about 10 pieces and it was all mixed up amongst the remains of a chicken salad including salad dressing. (The bin has since been collected, but nobody wants to steal my ID I've got no credit).
Having booked the holiday, including a 2% booking charge, I called my card company to get a duplicate issued. So I call the bank and its "press 1 for this, 2 for that" until I get to speak to a customer service advisor. Hello, I said, I didn't hear an option for "I'm a complete nit wit, who's just cut up their new card, can I have another".
So my second new card arrives a couple of days later, and with it is a booklet about the card, terms and conditions. Normally they go straight in the re-cycling bin, but I decided to look at it. Inside it said that my card company had a travel club in partnership with the company I had booked my holiday with, and that it wouldn't charge the booking fee if using this card. Well I had been charged £17.14, so I called them and asked if I could have the fee back, which they said yes and refunded me. Which I wouldn't have known anything about, if I hadn't cut up my new card by mistake, result.
8 months ago
1 comment:
Result!! Long way round, but a result all the same.
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