Last week, firstly, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall had a TV program leading a campaign to get people eating free range chicken instead of intensively farmed.
Then Jamie Oliver did something similar, with Gordon Ramsey giving his backing to them both.
On Saturday I was in Morrisons' in Ipswich, and they had completely sold out of free range Chicken, which we'd decided we would start buying.
So not defeated, I went into Sainsbury's in Bury St.Edmunds, Sunday, and they had completely sold out too !
Well rather than making my carbon footprint bigger, by driving to the other supermarkets, I had no choice but to take the easy cooked Chicken option, Thus not needing the oven on for an hour or so, to cook one.
So hopefully, next week, when we're doing the grocery shopping the supermarkets have looked at their sales figures and stocked more on their shelves.
8 months ago
You could always try going vegetarian, it's even kinder to the chickens. Just a thought!
That is true, but I like meat to much. I would only give it up if it came down to a choice of beer or meat.
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