Tuesday 31 July 2007

Keen Cyclist

This driver, I thought, must be a keen cyclist and forgotten what mode of transport they were using, As he was on the cyclepath between Bury and Thurston. As I went past it turns out he was a lost driver busily tapping away at his Sat Nav system.
Another cyclepath magnet for car drivers in the one outside the Chinese Takeaway in Eastgate street, for those too lazy to pull in one of the layby's or park over by the Bury Bowl entrance, to collect their Takeaway.

I got up this morning, my day off work, and went out for a bike ride at 8am. It was glorious, the sun was shining and the air was still cool, but you could feel the sun's warmth.
Heading past the Flying Fortress I turned left and went across the railway line. This is the view looking back towards where the line passes near the Tesco roundabout, And the building that says your back in Bury St.Edmunds, the beet factory.

This sign states the obvious, but I guess it is a requirement at all unmanned crossings in the country where the public can cross a railway line.

Use the Green Cross Code !

I always think these single unit trains look like a carriage has become detached from the back of a much longer train, and is just coasting along on its own.

This is one of the Cambridge to Ipswich trains that run hourly.

Once over the railway line, the leafy lanes take you into Great Barton. And there are many quiet lanes to choose from, And not to hilly.

Looking into the hedgerow to spot some Slows, with the idea of making my own Slow Gin, I spotted a Plum tree with some very sweet Plums on it, having tried a couple, but I had nothing to put any in.

This is Great Barton church this morning.

The Rookery crossroads is now much safer with the bend smoothed out on the A14. It is very convenient for getting onto the A14 to head east from the Mount road area of Moreton Hall. And very safe to get to and from the Ravenwood Hall Hotel.

This is looking across Rougham Airfield from the cyclepath. Their was just one small plane and a couple of gliders. You can just see the top of the Rougham Tower on the Horizon on the left of the picture.
And I was pleased there was no-one weeing up against the fence, after the last time I rode this path.

Anyway having stopped off at Tescoland Express for The Sun and a bottle of Lucozade, I was back home by about 09:30.

Pub later ? Maybe.



Her indoors said...

Love the account of your cycle ride, No.5. Next time you're heading up towards the Flying Fortress just wave...if I see a cyclist waving madly, I'll then wave back :-D

todaysdaze said...

the bridge at the rookery, is that where you used to be able to play chicken to cross the A14 from Thurston to Rougham? It was under construction when I left Bury

todaysdaze said...

sorry forgot to ask in previous comment, what was the name of the lane in Gt Barton and where was it? (Thats where I grew up)

the cashier next to cashier five said...

I think I'd have to stop at the flying fortress and the bunbury oh yer and the fox & hounds on the way back

Cashier No.5 said...

to todaysdaze..yes thats the crossroads...the lane runs down from the church, further down you come to a crossroads. straight on takes you to Thurston, left to Gt Barton, right takes you past barton place farm over the rail bridge back to the Bury Thurston road.I don't know the road name, i'll look next time.

fourpints said...

What a coincidece I have pics of train tracks on my latest blog entry!