Its in the news today that July 15th will be hot, and that's it.
I was cycling home from work tonight, at about 6pm. I had my Gore-Tex coat in my rucksack, and decided to put it on, as I passed under the A14 bridge in Eastgate street. There is a house in Eastgate st, on the corner with Barn lane, that has had to put sandbags around their front door, to combat the rain water running down the road and under their door, from all these downpours we keep having.
Anyway I was half way up Barton road, I prefer to go that way because Mount road is steeper and more exposed, when the heavens opened, again. So I felt I'd better stop under one of the trees. Then there was a rumble of thunder, and I was reminded of the two people struck by lightening in Thetford, yesterday, that killed their dog. The rain eased, and I shot home quick with some more black clouds heading my way.
Finished The Vinnie Jones autobiography, I had been reading, last night. It was one of the better written autobiography's I have read, but the book was published around 98/99 so it didn't contain much about his film career, other than auditioning for Lock, Stock and two smokin barrels. FHM tonight then, so maybe I'll post a bar room joke tomorrow.
8 months ago
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