Monday 1 February 2010

I have this week off work on holiday

I had got a bit lost with the blog, for a while, mainly because of Facebook and most of my friends knowing what I've been up to through that site, and hadn't written for ages.

I've got this week off work, through annual leave, not swine flu ! I was offered the jab and thought prevention is better than cure, I might as well have it.

So having had a fairly boozy weekend, I decided my car needed some attention, particularly after the recent bad weather and all the grit put on the road (until they run out of it) and decided to vacuum, wash and polish it today. Popped down to Motorspares on the industrial estate about 10ish to get some Polish. Then on returning home I rang around some Tyre fitters to get some quotes for a couple of new boots for it too, before setting about the vacuuming.

Not the hottest of days to be outside working, but a couple of sweatshirts had me warm enough.

This picture wasn't taken today, as you can tell be the trees behind, but the car looked as good as this afterwards, and duly parked in the garage after, to avoid any frost or snow tonight. Took a shower and the wandered off to the local for a rewarding pint of lager.
So in the morning I'm off to Bury Tyre Centre on Station hill for the new tyres to be fitted.


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