I left for work this morning, and joined compiegne way, near the railway bridge, to go into Bury St. Edmunds around the Sugar beet factory down to Northgate street.
I straight away became aware of a nasty smell, and thought "that isn't a sugar beet factory smell" and realized that the articulated Lorry in front of me had about 20+ tonnes of manure in the trailer.
So when I got to the dualled section of this road, I thought I'd pass the Lorry and get ahead of the Pong, and moved into the outside lane. Half way alongside the Lorry a stone hit my car windscreen and put a big chip in it. I now wish I'd stayed behind the muck and put up with the smell.
Got Auto glass coming to repair the screen, hopefully, next week. Under insurance policy with only a £10 excess and no loss to no claims bonus.
8 months ago